Tuesday, February 28, 2012
The Scriptshadow Twitch Contest
Okay, so for the last few days I've been racking my brain trying to figure out ways to find a few more gems, find a few more Disciple Programs. So I came up with an idea. This Sunday, between 12:00 pm and 12:15 pm Pacific time, any writer who's made less than 10k through screenwriting and does not have a manager or an agent, can pitch me their script IN A SINGLE TWEET. Yes, that's right. You'll have 140 characters to pitch your screenplay. I will read the first 10 pages of my FIVE FAVORITE pitches. Whoever has the best first 10 pages, I'll read the entire script and review it on the site. If I really love it, I'll pass it on to the higher-ups. This will be a grand experiment. I have no idea what to expect. But it should be really fun. As someone else put it, you'll basically have to come up with a logline for your logline. There are no rules to how you have to pitch - as long as it's within a single Tweet. And you can only pitch me ONE IDEA. I'll post a reminder on Friday with more detailed information. So first, GO FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER. And second, START PREPARING THOSE TWITCHES.
EDIT 3: Will probably push this back guys because it's getting a lot bigger. Won't happen this Sunday. So you'll have a little more time. Not sure actual time frame but 2-4 weeks sounds reasonable. This should give you time to work on those scripts!
EDIT 2: Guys, this thing is going to get a lot bigger. A LOT. I'll keep you updated in the coming days as I start putting it together. But needless to say, I'll be looking to change a writer's life. :)